or·gan·iz·ing | verb
the process of building the people power necessary to win and maintain systemic change.
cen·ter | noun
the core; the place from which activity is directed
The Organizing Center:
Transforms base-building, working in partnership with grassroots groups to expand the people power that wins structural, sustainable change. From racial and gender liberation to domestic worker protections, we’re fighting for a future free of oppression — and pushing the movement to meet the needs of organizers and organizations while we do it.
Offers four key programs: one-on-one coaching, public and personalized workshops, organizing deep dives, and peer learning labs. Our programs set us apart because we always put people power first. From individualized mentorship to interactive training facilitation, we’ll help you build community and strengthen your existing organizing practice.
Centers Black & Brown-led organizations, as well as other movement groups and individual organizers working toward justice and liberation. Who we work with represents what we value: collective power, self-determination, hope, respect and accountability, and imagination. And we bring these values into every partnership and all of our work.
To learn more about what we did last year, check out our most recent annual report.
The work of The Organizing Center is guided by five core values.

Power comes from the people – when we fight together we win.
Direct and principled conversations move people through tension and toward consensus.
Hope sustains the fight. Organizers need to actively cultivate hope in communities.
We are working for a world that doesn't yet exist. We need to tap into our imagination to help us get there
Directly impacted people know the solutions. They should lead the work to implement them.